Q: Are your services covered by insurance?
A: Holistic nutritionist services will not be covered by Provincial health care plans such as OHIP but may be covered by some extended health policies.
Every insurance company is different and depending on your individual plan you may or not be covered for nutritional consulting through a registered nutritionist.  

Please note that it will be up to you to determine eligibility through your insurance provider. Most insurance companies require you to pay for your service in full and then submit a receipt to them for which they send you a reimbursement. 

Q: Are you vegan/ Do you promote a vegan lifestyle?
A: While I believe in consuming the vast majority of my foods from plant based sources; I also understand the importance of animal products in the diet. Over fifteen years ago when I started in this field I was vegetarian for a short time (and a vegan for an even shorter one) though I was consuming wonderful organic plant-based foods and even taking added high quality supplements- my health began to wane and I quickly realized that my body functions far better when animal products are included.

After more than 15 years of research and personal experience, it is my professional opinion that especially for children and women of the childbearing years, to be optimally nourished,  particular animal products should be included in the diet, most of the time. For grown adults who aren’t concerned with childbearing, you may or may not have more flexibility depending on your constitution to sustain a vegan or vegetarian diet, since amounts and types of foods vary depending on individual needs.

The only time I would recommend a vegan diet, usually temporary, is for detoxifying or as a compliment to very specific holistic treatment plans for certain conditions.

While I truly respect and am moved by the deep ethical reasoning behind a lot of people's decisions to become vegan, I also recognize that the issue is not entirely black and white and that there are many other factors to consider when making the decision to become vegan or not. It is not in the scope of this paragraph to be able to speak fully to the ethics involved in consuming or not consuming animal products. What I will say is that in general I do not promote veganism and I do believe in the important roles animal products have for providing fat soluble vitamins, minerals and particular amino acids that are otherwise very difficult or impossible to obtain from other sources.